Healthy Living with Hidenwood Pharmacy
Welcome to the Hidenwood Pharmacy blog, your new favorite spot for all things health and wellness! Here, we’re excited to share tips, insights, and a sprinkle of fun to help you live a vibrant, balanced life. Whether you're looking for advice on managing your medications, exploring nutrition, or discovering the latest in wellness trends, you'll find it right here.
Our mission is to empower our community with the knowledge they need to thrive while living healthy balanced lives. Let’s embark on this healthy journey together—check back often for fresh content that keeps you feeling your best!
Is It Flu, COVID, Strep, or Something Else?
Without prompt treatment, flu and COVID-19 can turn problematic, especially for higher-risk people. Here’s how to recognize symptoms of the flu, COVID-19, and strep throat so you can get tested and seek treatment.
How to Overcome Barriers to Preventive Care
You know you should see a doctor for regular checkups. After all, there’s evidence that preventive care reduces your risk for diseases, disabilities, and early death, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. However, if you’re like millions of Americans, something may be stopping you from getting the preventive care you need.
Here are some common reasons people put off seeing their doctor for preventive care and solutions to get you past each obstacle.
Debunking Common Diabetes Myths
According to the CDC, about 38 million Americans have diabetes. That’s roughly one out of every 10 people. Diabetes is a serious disease that can shorten your life expectancy and lead to a variety of complications, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, eye diseases and blindness, neuropathy, amputations, and stroke. But despite its prevalence and seriousness, some myths about diabetes persist.
Common Types of Arthritis
Arthritis is a term used to describe any condition that causes inflammation or swelling of one or more joints. There are more than 100 different conditions that cause arthritis, including gout, fibromyalgia, lupus, and infectious arthritis. Taken collectively, arthritis is a very common condition, affecting almost 60 million adults in the U.S.
3 Health Routines to Start Today
Eating right, exercising regularly, and getting quality sleep can positively impact your physical and mental health. Routines can help you stick with these healthy habits. Give these three a try and see how much better you feel.
Why Regular Eye Exams Are Important
If you don’t wear contacts or eyeglasses, you may not think you need an eye exam. And if you do wear glasses and they’re still serving you well, you may think you can skip that routine eye exam.
But regular eye exams aren’t just to ensure you have the right prescription for corrective lenses — if you even need them. They’re also essential for catching problems that could lead to blindness if left untreated.
Medicare Advantage OTC Benefits: What To Know
If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, you may have unused savings sitting in your wallet. The reason: Most Medicare Advantage plans give you money to pay for approved over-the-counter (OTC) medicine and products.
Does Eating Too Much Sugar Increase Your Risk of Diabetes?
If you or someone you know has diabetes, you may be quite familiar with the idea that diabetics need to watch their sugar intake. But what about everyone else? Can eating too much sugar increase your risk of diabetes? Or do you only need to worry about your sugar intake if you’re diagnosed with diabetes?
How to Create a Heart-Healthy Diet
Unfortunately, many Americans aren’t making choices that align with the American Heart Association’s (AHA) dietary guidelines for heart healthy eating. These tips can help you make heart-healthy choices.
The 411 on Fat
While it’s a common assumption that fat should be avoided at all costs, dietary fats are an essential nutrient and an important part of a balanced diet.
How to Manage a Fear of Needles
Vaccines, blood tests, and injectable medications can all cause serious anxiety, even panic, in someone with a fear of needles. As many as two in three children and one in four adults have a needle phobia, according to the CDC. But a fear of needles doesn’t need to get in the way of taking care of your health. These tips from the CDC can help.
How to Prevent Respiratory Viruses and Strep Throat
No one likes to get sick, especially if they can do something to prevent it. Viruses and germs can keep you at home feeling miserable. Worse, they can make someone else sick if you don’t know how to prevent spreading your illness to others. To protect yourself and prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, follow this updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Menopause: What Every Woman Should Know
Menopause was once a taboo subject, talked about in hushed tones, if at all. Many women didn’t fully understand it or didn’t get the help they needed for their challenging symptoms. Today, talking about menopause is no longer taboo — and it’s crucial to women’s health as they age. If you’re a woman, here’s what you should know about menopause.
What is Prediabetes?
You may have heard increasing talk about prediabetes in the news. But what exactly is it? And should you be worried about it. Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they almost always have “prediabetes” – that is, blood-glucose levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.